Double Chocolate Cookies

I wrote this post about forever ago… okay the same time that I made the Lemon Drop cookies… when was that? Just before Christmas? I never posted it because I forgot to take pictures. Well I’m posting it without the pictures! The next time I make these I will be sure to take pictures & add them to the post!

December 14, 2011 (according to my handy wordpress editing log)

What could be more different from a Lemon Drop than a super rich & chocolatey cookie? I find opposites make great pairings. I think most people feel that way? Mom wanted me to make her some cookies to take to a work meeting and I wanted to take some to Kutztown. I had already made the Lemon Drops but that was a small batch and split in half, there weren’t nearly enough to take to mom’s function. So I decided to make a Double Chocolate Cookie which is actually a triple chocolate cookie but we won’t go there.

I made a douuuuble batch of these douuuuuble chocolate cookies (aka the recipe below is for a double batch) so there would be pleeeenty to take some to Kutztown and still leave plenty for the meeting.

I also decided to scrub the oven door today. I was tired of not being able to watch my cookies bake. So I took some white vinegar & some baking powder & an old rag & some elbow grease and things got really gross. But now I can see my goddamn cookies.

Double Chocolate Cookies

  • 1 1/3 Cups Vegetable/Canola Oil
  • 1 1/3 Cups Unsweetened Applesauce (which btw I don’t get, why would you need to sweeten applesauce… apples are already sweet)
  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Cup Cocoa Powder (or 1/2 Cups each, dark & dutch)
  • 2 Tsp Vanilla
  • 2 Tsp Salt
  • 2 Cups AP Flour
  • 1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
  • 2 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 1 Cup Ghirardelli Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips (oh dear lord, ecstasy) (also, did anyone else realize there’s a second “r” in GhiraRdelli? The more I look at it, the weirder it becomes.)

These cookies are simple. Like most cookies. Except french macarons. Which really aren’t that bad either.

Preheat oven to 325 Degrees Fahrenheit.

Combine oil, applesauce, sugar & vanilla. Add the rest of your ingredients and stir until combined. VOILÀ! Now chill the batter until it’s workable. Create balls, whatever size you like 😉 The cookies will spread so obviously don’t put them too close together. I know you’ve made cookies before, you know the drill. I DO recommend using parchment paper.

Bake for 15 – 20 minutes. Definitely let cool a bit. They’re pretty soft.

Stephen loved these cookies, which probably isn’t saying much, since he eats most anything. But the ktown boys ate them up when we went camping so I took that as a good sign.